About Fiona


Fiona has over 25 years clinical experience – mostly in Ireland, but she has also worked in England and South Africa – across a variety of settings, including hospital, school, community health clinics and private practice. She worked as a speech therapist for the HSE for more than 10 years. For much of this time, she worked with children with Specific Speech and Language Disorders in Limerick's first Junior Language Class. Fiona has been in private practice in Limerick since 2000. As well as clinic-based work, she has also contracted services to other agencies, including HSE, Enable Ireland, East Limerick Children's Services and Down Syndrome Limerick. Fiona has given lectures and seminars to teachers and teaching students, and has lectured on School Age Language Disorders at the University of Limerick (Masters Speech and Language Therapy Programme).

Professional development

Fiona is committed to ongoing professional development and regularly attends seminars and training courses. These have included Hanen Training ('It Takes Two To Talk', 'More Than Words', 'Target Word'), Shape Coding for Teaching Grammar, Caroline Bowen's Speech Sound Disorders, Lidcombe Programme for Stammering, WordsWorth Literacy Programme, Alex Kelly's Social Skills Programme, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Lamh Training, Tony Attwood's Autism seminar, Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Behaviour Management courses.


Fiona graduated with distinction - BA (Speech and Hearing Therapy) - from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study in the U.S., where she completed a masters degree - MA (Learning Disabilities), Northwestern University, Illinois.

Memberships and registrations 


Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT)

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT)

Independent Speech-Language Therapists of Ireland (ISTI)

Special Interest Group - Specific Language Impairment (SLI SIG)